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26th Annual ESGO 2025 Congress
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Share your knowledge and know-how with the largest online community of gynaecological oncology surgeons!
You can contribute to the ESGO Gynaecological Oncology eAcademy by submitting your surgical videos that will help us increase the scope of our educational content. This is a unique opportunity for you to share your surgical skills with the largest community of gynaecological oncology surgeons worldwide and become part of our international Contributors.
In order to be published on the ESGO Gynaecological Oncology eAcademy, you need to make sure that your video brings something relevant to the portal. Send us a video demonstrating a comprehensive surgical case or technique which has not been covered on the website yet. The objective of contributions is to offer varied types of educational videos to our members, in a more interactive, didactic, and original way.
Please note that we currently do not accept videos on simple hysterectomy, paraaortic or pelvic lymphadenectomy.
Click here to view the full list of requirements/guidelines for submission.
To minimise redundancy, we ask potential authors to submit a proposal prior to creating a surgical video for submission. Proposals will be evaluated by the ESGO eAcademy Editorial Committee for approval and subsequent submissions will undergo review by the ESGO Education Committee prior to acceptance. Submission as part of this call for surgical videos is in no way a guarantee of acceptance.
It is fast, free, and user-friendly. Publishing your work on the world’s number 1 gynaecological oncology portal website is a great opportunity for you to share your expertise and your surgical skills with the rest of the world. We highlight our contributors by sharing their publications with our members, and we provide them statistics allowing them to measure the impact their video had on our community.
Anyone is welcome to submit their contributions, whether it is to share a new technique, a novel technological innovation or to present a standard surgical procedure in compliance with international guidelines and consensus recommendations in an original and didactic way.
Choose a topic below to view all educational resources in your field of interest!
20-23.2.2025 Rome, Italy
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30.06.2025 - 01.07.2025 Amsterdam, The Netherlands Level: Basic
23.10.2025 - 25.10.2025 Tbilisi, Georgia Level: Basic
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