Prevention committee

ESGO Prevention 2

The Prevention Committee was established in 2019 to fulfil the ESGO vision: Best treatment and prevention in gynaecological cancer. ESGO has set as its mission to improve the health and well-being of women with gynaecological cancers through prevention, research, excellence in care and education. The Prevention Committee is therefore one of the cornerstones to ensure the fulfilment of its mission.

The Chair of the Prevention Committee is Prof. Murat Gultekin.

Committee Publications

Publications 2025
  • Vulvar inspection at the time of cervical cancer screening: European Society of Gynaecological Oncology (ESGO), International Society for the Study of Vulvovaginal Disease (ISSVD), European College for the Study of Vulval Disease (ECSVD), and European Federation for Colposcopy (EFC) consensus statement, M. Preti et. al., published in IJGC, January 2025
  • Prophylactic HPV vaccination in HPV-related gynecologic cancers: European Society of Gynecological Oncology (ESGO) prevention committee opinion, N. Bizzarri et. al., published in International Journal of Gynecology Obstetrics, January 2025

Publications 2024
Publications 2023
Publications 2022
Publications 2021
Publications 2020
Publications 2019

Committee Goals

  • Facilitate systematic research, issue scientific publications, and disseminate findings in the prevention and treatment of pre-invasive diseases.
  • Raise public and governmental awareness and advocate about gynaecological cancers, their prevention and treatment through ENGAGe.
  • Collaborate with professional societies, patient advocacy organisations, policymakers and other stakeholders to advance gynaecological cancers prevention and care.
  • Contribute to cervical cancer elimination in Europe in line with the WHO elimination programme 2030. Decrease mortality and extend life of gynaecological cancer patients in line with the EU Beat the cancer plan.

Committee Motto

  • Filling the scientific gap by providing scientific evidence on topics related to prevention and treatment of pre-invasive disease
  • Bridging the East and the West by sharing the expertise of ESGO professionals with colleagues in Lower and Middle Income Countries via virtual conferences, webinars, and on-site screening pilot projects

Committee Structure

Prevention Committee Chair: Murat Gultekin







Prevention Committee Members:

Frederic Amant, Marc Arbyn, Nicolo Bizzarri, Kimon Chatzistamatiou, Daniela Fisherova, Mihaela Grigore, Reda Hemida, Elmar Joura, Vesna Kesic, Maria Kyrgiou, Claudia Marchetti, Zoltan Novak, Mario Preti, Jalid Sehouli

Committee Members At-Large:

Utku Akgor, Esat Bilal, Sarah Bowden, Laia Bruni, Laura Burney Ellis, Murat Cengiz, Volkan Ege, Dimitrios Haidopulos, Houssein El Hajj, Nicolo Gallio, Omar Gassama, Livia Giordano, Charlotte Goutallier, Joana Kacperczyk-Bartnik, Belen Lopez, Edina Lukacs, Anita Mitra, Nagham Ibraheem Mahdi, Afraa Mahjoob Al-Naddawi, Gadelkareem Nassar, Eva-Maria Niine-Roolaht, Milena Perišič, Patrick Petignat, Alejandra Picconi, Zoia Razumova, Jalid Sehouli, Aleksandra Shavrova, Nadja Taumberger, Charalampos Theofanakis, Icó Tóth, Andreas Ullrich, Zvi Vaknin, Alexandra Wagner, Ignacio Zapardiel

All Prevention Committee webinars are available on the eAcademy portal

Click on the link to see them all.

Cooperation with key stakeholders


World Health Organization has launched ''Cervical Cancer Elimination Program'' on November 19, 2020.

The program asks the countries to vaccinate the girls under 15 years of age (90% coverage), to screen females by minimal two times when they are 35 and 45 (70%) coverage and to treat the lesions detected appropriately (in 90% of cases).

Modelling studies show that if all countries can implement the program until 2030 and can achieve these targets, there will be a 30% reduction in cervical cancer mortality by 2030 and the cervical cancer may be eliminated until the end of this century (namely incidence less than 4 \ 100.000).


ESGO Prevention committee has joined in to fulfil the WHO cervical cancer elimination strategy as a leading European actor in prevention.

European projects

RISCC: Risk-based Screening for Cervical Cancer

ESGO/ENGAGe is involved in the Horizon 2020 RISCC project.

Within the RISCC project ESGO / ENGAGe is responsible for the co-creation of the e-health/m-health platform for risk based cervical cancer screening and for the dissemination of the results to 12 ENGAGe member countries. This project is planned for five years and intended to terminate in 2025.

For more information about the ESGO/ENGAGe involvement please use the following link.