European Network of Individual Treatment in Endometrial Cancer


ENITEC is a pan-European academic Network for Translational Researchers in Gynaecological Oncology, who gather together to share their expertise in uterine cancer research, with a particular focus on integration of molecular studies to improve and individualize patient care.

The ultimate goal of the Network is to improve and individualize treatment of women with uterine cancers by integrating the best science in state of the art clinical care, and enabling every patient to access benefits from translational research. ENITEC was founded in 2012 and has grown ever since.

ENITEC members


Researchers within the network have widely varying backgrounds, including clinical (gynaecology, pathology, radiology), molecular biologists and pharmacists to name a few.

All ENITEC members are encouraged to become ESGO member.

Since ENITECs foundation, over 130 researchers from research groups all across Europe, illustrated in the map, have become involved.




Annual Meeting

June 7-8, 2023, Ljubljana, Slovenia - SAVE THE DATE

ENITEC organises an annual meeting where all ENITEC-associated researchers are invited to join. The network will discuss updates about the already ongoing collaborative studies and evaluate the proposal of new projects. New members are always welcome.

For more information and participation, please contact: a.romano@maastrichtuniversity.nl

Past meetings

2011 Leuven, Belgium

2012 Bergen, Norway

2013 Barcelona, spain

2014 Leiden, The Netherlands

2015 Copenhagen, Denmark

2016 Freiburg, Germany

2017 Lublin, Poland

2018 Amsterdam, The Netherlands

2019 Liverpool, United Kingdom

2020 Virtual Meeting

2021 Virtual Meeting

2022 Porto, Portugal


Publications from research carried out under the umbrella of the ENITEC network are

collected in our google scholar profile. Here we also collect other publications, f.e. PhD theses from researchers attached to the network. To add publications to the profile, contact the ENITEC chair.

Please follow this link to our ENITEC scholar.google.com profile.



Prospective clinical studies

A number of studies with prospective inclusion are set up by ENITEC members.
When there is interest to participate in these studies, please mail the contact person indicated below each study. If no name is indicated the ENITEC chair (elect) can be contacted.

ENITEC-wide project: At our latest meeting in Amsterdam, we have taken up the ambition to set up an ENITEC-wide project where the extent and the expertise of the ENITEC community is optimally used to answer a clinically relevant question.


The ENITEC Network provides its members the opportunity to join a TAKEDA sponsored PHASE-II clinical trial. This joint initiative of ENITEC-EUTROC-TAKEDA, involves treatment of women with advanced, recurrent, or persistent endometrial Cancer with combination of MLN0128 and/or weekly Paclitaxel. 260 patients from approximately 60 centres across North America, Europe and Asia Pacific will be randomized into the study. Tissue material (baseline and follow up biopsies) will be used to generate research material (frozen and fixed tissue) available from the patient arms. This material will be available to EUTROC-ENITEC investigators from TAKEDA to investigate important translational science questions. Clinicaltrials.gov identifier: NCT02725268

MoMaTEC-2 is a clinical study that ENITEC members can participate in. This initiative from Bergen, Norway, is a phase 4 study where the hormone receptors ER and PR are used to better risk stratify presumed low and intermediate risk presumed stage 1 endometrial cancer patients, in order to optimise the percentage of patients needing to undergo lymphadenectomy.

Clinicaltrials.gov identifier: NCT02543710

Contact: Erica Werner: Erica.werner@mumc.nl

Camilla Krakstad: camilla.krakstad@uib.no


PROMOTE study looking into the Prediction of Response of Hormonal Treatment in advanced and recurrence Endometrial Cancer. Here, centres are sought to join and prospectively include patients (starting 2019) that receive hormonal treatment during their disease and validate promising biomarkers obtained from a retrospective study.

Clinicaltrials.gov identifier: NCT03621904

Contact: Willem Jan van Weelden: WillemJan.vanWeelden@radboudumc.nl


BioEndoCar is a study aiming to identify proteins and metabolites in plasma that can serve as a basis for developing diagnostic models for early stage EC as well as risk stratify patients with low or high risk for recurrence. In total 200 cases and 200 controls will need to be included.

Contact: Tea Lanisnik Rizner: tea.lanisnik-rizner@mf.uni-lj.si

Andrea Romano: a.romano@maastrichtuniversity.nl

Web page BioEndoCare


RESPECT study investigates Response prediction in fertility Sparing EIN and low-grade EC therapy. It aims to investigate changes in levels of tumorigenic biomarkers during fertility sparing treatment with hormonal treatment, and to correlate these changes to histological regression. 50 patients are needed.

Contact: Mignon van Gent: m.d.vangent@amc.uva.nl


Liquid biopsies in gynaecological cancer, with the aim to differentiate gynaecological cancers by miRNA expression in serum and urine.

Currently the study validates earlier findings via realtime PCR in larger cohorts and handpicks miRNAs that failed to reach statistical significance but might be interesting.

Inclusion needed prior to start treatment (with serum and urine collection).

Contact: Marc Hirschfeld: marc.hirschfeld@uniklinik-freiburg.de



Photo Andrea Romano

Chair:  Andrea Romano

Molecular biologist, the Maastricht University Medical Center, Maastricht, The Netherlands


Andrea Romano is Group Leader and Associate Professor at Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, Maastricht University (NL). After he obtained his master degree in Molecular Biology (1995, University of Bologna, Italy), he moved to the Netherlands, first at the University of Wageningen, where he obtained his Ph.D. degree in 2002, then at the Maastricht University for a post-doctoral fellowship (2002-2007). His research, funded by -among others- the Dutch Cancer Society and the European Union, focuses on the steroid hormone signalling and the local steroid metabolism in the context of endometrial pathophysiology and endometrial cancer. Andrea Romano served as associate editor for Human Reproduction (Oxford press, 2013-2016), guest editor for the special issue 'Molecular Research in Endometrial Pathophysiology' (International Journal of Molecular Sciences), he is coordinator of the Special Interest Group for Endometriosis & Endometrial Disorders (under the umbrella of the European Society Human Reproduction & Embryology) and he is ambassador for the World Endometriosis Society. Andrea Romano joined ENITEC one year after its foundation, he has been an active member and has established several collaborations within the network.


Chair-elect: Vít Weinberger

University Hospital Brno and Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic


Vít Weinberger is a gynecological oncologist at the University Hospital Brno (CZ). He defended 2015 his Ph.D. thesis entitled “Ultrasound in primary diagnostics and diagnosis of complications in oncogynecology.” In 2019, he defended his habilitation thesis in Gynecology and Obstetrics: "Importance of ultrasound and new biomarkers in primary diagnostics, staging, diagnostics of postoperative complications, and dispensarization in oncogynecology."

Dr. Weinberger has more than 30 first-author publications (or corresponding author) focusing on gynecologic oncology topics, and he is a co-author in over 40 publications related to oncogynecology. He participated in 4 monographs and professional books as an author of specific chapters. He is the principal investigator, co-investigator, and member of the research teams within the Czech National grant projects.

Past Chair: JMA (Johanna) Pijnenborg

Radboud UMC Nijmegen, the Netherlands



Johanna (Hanny) MA Pijnenborg, is gynaecological oncologist at the Radboud University Medical Center Nijmegen (NL). She defended her thesis “The Predictive value of molecular markers for recurrent endometrial carcinoma” in 2005.

She has done her fellow-ship gynecological oncology at the Radboud University Medical Center in 2009-2010. In 2016 she started as gynaecological oncologist in Nijmegen where she initiated the endometrial research group in 2010.

Her main research focus is translational research in endometrial cancer.

In 2012 she joined ENITEC, and since then is a very active member of the ENITEC group with several ongoing collaborative studies within the network.


ESGO 2025 Congress



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Advanced Course in Robotic Gynaecological Oncology Surgery

 Strasbourg, France
Level: Advanced

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ESGO-ENYGO Masterclass

 Tbilisi, Georgia
Level: Basic

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