26th Annual ESGO 2025 Congress
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April 26 – May 31, 2021
August 25 - September 26, 2021
October 23-25 at ESGO 2021 Prague, CZ
The ESGO online Elections to ESGO Council ARE OPEN from August 25 to September 26, 2021 and voting will be completed electronically via voting platform.
The Society members with voting rights (European regular members/individual professionals with active paid membership for 2021) are approached to cast their vote via the personalized electoral voting email.
For any query, please, contact ESGO Administrative office.
In accordance with the Bylaws, the ESGO Council shall be composed of sixteen (16) duly elected Council members including the Executive Officers. The term of office for elected Council members is four (4) years, the term of office for the elected Officers is two (2) years. In order to ensure the continuity of the society, elections are held biennially while half of the Council changes every 2 years (Council members elected in 2021 will hold office until 2025; Council members elected in 2023 will hold office until 2027).
ESGO Council members are chosen by a general election amongst ESGO members while ESGO Officers are elected by the ESGO Council
For the period 2021-2025, six (6) elected Council Member positions are open.
The Nomination Committee, consisting of the ESGO President-Elect, President, Vice President and the immediate Past President, prepares a final slate of nominated candidates ensuring a balanced representation per speciality and geographic regions of Europe in the future Council
Click here to view the final slate of candidates for a position in the ESGO Council 2021-2025.
The candidate who gets the simple majority of votes will be declared elected. All votes are confidential.
For support or information regarding the 2021 Elections, please contact us at esgo.elections@esgomail.org
Announcement of results: October 23 - 25, 2021 (ESGO Congress 2021, Prague, Czech Republic)
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23.01.2025 - 05.03.2025 Online Sessions + Hands-on Madrid, Spain Level: Advanced
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20-23.2.2025 Rome, Italy
23.10.2025 - 25.10.2025 Tbilisi, Georgia Level: Basic
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