Advanced Techniques in Gynaecological Oncology Surgery. Hands-on training!


» ESGO´s HYBRID course on the topic of Advanced Techniques in Gynaecological Oncology Surgery. Hands-on training!

» ONLINE: September 18, 2025

» ONSITE: September 26, 2025, Valencia, Spain


This is a hands-on course on Advanced Techniques in Gynaecological Oncology Surgery, which includes 1 day hands-on training and 3 hours online session. The course will focus on the surgical techniques.

Theoretical sessions focused on the surgical anatomy of the different techniques to perform. Complementary exercises of surgical skills in pelvitrainers. Specific surgical techniques scheduled in animal model. The opportunity of Learning and training surgery is a demand in many Gynaecological Oncology Surgeons. Bowel, vascular and urological surgery are many times the procedures our doctors feel more uncomfortable because knowledge and practise. Gynaecological relapses and Advanced Ovarian cancer surgery needs to be performed by skill surgeons that should be confident with pelvic exenteration, bowel anastomosis and urinary diversion. And Learning how to manage vascular complications in the retroperitoneum should be mandatory in our Young follows.

The course has been built for 15 people.

This course will help to raise standards, improve the quality of surgical treatment and promote gynaecological oncology best practices of gynaecological cancer.


Learning objectives

The participants will learn how to reproduce bowel anastomosis (both manual and mechanical), urological procedures (ureter reimplantation, urinary diversion) and management of vascular injuries in oncological patients.

The participants will get updated and detailed knowledge about advanced surgery. They will improve their surgical skills. The participants will understand the surgical steps and decision-making process when a surgery is carried out and get used to the basis of Colorectal, urological and vascular procedures, together with specific instrumentation, mechanical anastomosis and vascular sutures. They will learn how to perform bowel anastomosis, ureteral reimplantation, boary procedure, urinary diversion and vascular repair.

Target Audience

The course is aimed at Gynaecological Oncologists, with special interest in the surgery. The course will be attractive both to new specialists in the field as well as senior trainees. In addition a special group of interest is the European Network of Young Gynaecologic Oncologists (ENYGO) who can profit the direct interaction with the faculty.

Chairs & Faculty


Santiago Domingo

Chair of the Course
Chief of Gynaecology Oncology Department at University Hospital of Valencia


Name Country
Victor Lago Spain
Pablo Padilla Spain
Marta Arnáez Spain



» Registrations will be accepted on first come first served basis

Only 15 tickets available

Registration Fees * Regular Rate (EUR)
ESGO Member 1.200
ESGO Non-member 1.700

*In order to benefit from the ESGO Membership reduced rate, membership for 2025 must be valid. View the ESGO membership renewals and application. You have to log in to the registration system with the email address you use to enter the member zone.


Fee includes

» Admission fee to the online course and hands-on training

» Coffee breaks and lunches during the hands-on training

» Networking dinner


Cancelation and refund policy

» Before August 1, 2025 refund of 50%

» Starting August 1, 2025 - non-refundable


Payment details

» The payment can be processed only by credit card payment through registration system

» The reservation can only be confirmed upon receipt of payment


General Information


Hospital Universitari i Politècnic La Fe
IIS La Fe / SiMuLaFe. Centro de Simulación Clínica
Av. Fdo. Abril Martorell, 106
46026 Valencia, Spain


Certificate of attendance

Participants will be asked to fill in an online evaluation form shortly after the course. Providing the feedback is mandatory to obtain a course certificate of attendance and we thank you for your cooperation in advance.



In registering for the course participants agree that the organizer is not responsible for individual medical, travel or personal insurance. Participants are requested to arrange their own travel and health insurance. The organizer cannot assume liability for changes in the program due to external circumstances.

Course Secretariat

For more information and the status of your registration please contact us at

Travel & Accommodation


Travel costs to Valencia, Spain are responsibility of the attendees.



The accommodation is responsibility of the attendees.